Jeff's Personal Weblog

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Rants and raves

As you may have figured out, not a lot really happens in my life that is worth talking about. So, in order to keep up my goal of posting at least once a week, I think I will occasionally post my rantings and ravings on various topics. This will be my first such post. The topic for this rant and rave is...
How many Subways and McDonalds does a town of 27069 people need?
Why does Winona have 3 Subways and 3 McDonalds? It seems quite excessive, if you ask me. We have only one of the other restaurants, and that is plenty sufficient. I've got no problem driving 5 minutes across town to get something to eat. I think they need to replace a couple of those Subways and McDonalds and get some variation in this town. Speaking of which, what idiot decided we needed yet another sub place? We got Sandwich Company, Ebert & Gerbert's, a gazillion Subways, not to mention all the coffee houses that serve pretty much the same stuff only on bread or in a wrap instead of on a sub, and yet someone thinks we need a Quizno's. Now don't get me wrong, I like Quizno's food. It's just that I would much rather have some freakin variety. Put in a Fazoli's. Put in an Arby's. Put in a Boston Market. Just put in something different. Give me a choice other than "Should I go to the downtown Subway or the east-side Subway? Or maybe the west-side Subway?"
I just needed to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening. - Jeff


  • maybe you should pack your own lunch

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:19 PM  

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