Jeff's Personal Weblog

Thursday, August 05, 2004

A thought on class reunions in general

It was good to see the people in my class again at the class reunion, however, there are people a grade older and younger than me that I would like to have seen even more. What I would like is a giant three-class reunion. Now, I'm not sure how that would work, because a person would end up having a reunion three years in a row... and how do you pick which one to go to? Maybe they just need a better way to set up clique reunions, so anyone who was in your clique could go. The school could host a reunion every year where any clique could plan their reunion for. Then it would be up to members of the clique to say what year they will meet again. I guess the real problem, then, is how do you keep updated contact info. The members of the clique would almost have to voluntarily update their info. I don't know, maybe the whole idea is crap. I just would like to see some other old friends again, is all. Well, enough rambling... I need to get back to work.


  • I could... but that would require work on my part, and I as many of you know, I am quite lazy.

    By Blogger Jeff, at 9:54 PM  

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