Volunteer work
I'm seriously considering volunteering at the Winona Area Humane Society. Lately, I've had this feeling like my life has little meaning or value to it (not in a "I want to kill myself" depressed kind of way, more of a lack of purpose kind of way). I'm thinking volunteering may help fill this void I'm feeling. I'll be doing something positive for the world. Plus, I love animals of all kinds and just being around them makes my happy, so I'm sure I'd enjoy it. I also think it would be a good way to meet some new people, hopefully make some new friends. That would be good, I think. So anyways, I think I'm gonna go down there and check it out sometime next week. Maybe work a few hours on the weekends or nights. We'll see.
It's actually refreshing to find someone who feels similar to how I've been feeling. So I'm not the only one in this entire world feeling this way...it's kind of comforting knowing that it's not just me.
Hope volunteering is the answer to what you are looking for.
AngryChick, at 8:06 PM
I volunteered at a hospital for a while. It made me feel really shitty. I worked on the surgery recovery floor. There were 5 year old kids in there...and I'm sneaking out to have cigarettes. Made me feel like I take advantage of my good health.
Volunteer work can backfire. But I'm not saying you shouldn't do it. I'd like to get involved with more volunteer work...I'm just warning you that it might not make you feel better.
a_elizabeth_m, at 10:49 PM
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