Jeff's Personal Weblog

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Gotta love the holiday spirit

I went X-mas shopping this weekend. I hate shopping during the Christmas season. The roads are packed with crazies driving like maniacs. The parking lots are filled to the brim. The shoppers are stressed and rude (I especially love the parents who yell at their children for no reason). And the cashiers are tired and annoyed. Luckily I got most of my shopping done.
After shopping some, Coreena and I also made time to catch the flick Garden State and to walk through the Rotary Lights. Garden State was quirky and different and very good. Independent films are usually the most interesting ones to watch, I think. Garden State, Eternal Sunshine, and Rushmore (a few of my favorite) prove this. The Rotary Lights didn't seem as impressive as the last time I saw them. Then again, I don't really remember the last time, so I could just be inflating my memories of it. They had very good displays... it just didn't seem like they had as many. Anyways, I'll post a really small crappy picture of my favorite display on Photogasmic.


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